There are a lot of students who either have or develop different learning disabilities throughout their educational career. This could mean they have dealt with it since elementary or grade school, or they didn't have it until they went to college. Either way, it can still make getting an education difficult and can affect the grades they get. However, a lot of these disorders and disabilities are very common and although some may prove to be more of a challenge than others, they are still possible to work with and accommodate.
One of the most common types is attention deficit disorder, ADD, or attention deficit hyperactivity disorder, ADHD. This condition normally affects the attention span of students and can make it difficult to concentrate during lectures, tests, and assignments. There are ways to treat this medically with a prescription from a doctor. However, many students find ways to work through their disorder without medication. Students with ADD or ADHD should take frequent breaks while studying or working on an assignment, and find a way to relieve built up stress or tension. Find a place where you can study in peace and won't be tempted or distracted easily. This may mean instead of studying in your room, study at the kitchen table, or go to the library. Talk to your teacher or school about if they have any policies to accommodate those with ADD or ADHD.
Dyslexia is more common than some people think. Dyslexia is a condition that results in lower reading levels and sometimes lower writing levels. The condition is a result of the way the brain's processes and translates written words and languages. People who suffer from this disorder can't simply cure themselves of it, but can reduce its affects through tutoring and taking remedial classes. Students may need to take extra time on tests, quizzes, and certain assignments. You can check with your college's student disability office for more information about different accommodations and options you have.
Sensory Processing Disorder, SPD, can prove to be quite difficult, but not impossible to work with. People with this disorder find they have troubles processing one or more of the five senses. The information that is picked up by a certain sensory process like hearing may be processed in a way that doesn't make sense to the brain which causes confusion and stress. It is still possible to work around this condition. You can talk to your doctor about how to treat, help, or reduce the issues that may be associated with this disorder. Schools and colleges are supposed to offer aid to students with learning disabilities so they can still get an education.
There are a lot of different types of learning disorders and disabilities. However, many people who suffer from them have found away to either work with or around the problem so they can get an education and a degree. There are so many different ways that people learn and process information, which is why there are different ways to study, take notes, and even attend classes. Some students choose to attend traditional classes and colleges so they can either get more help with their disabilities or because it is the best way for them to learn. Others opt to take their classes online because they can spend more time on their assignments. Everyone can get an education, no matter what disorder or condition they may have.
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